Contoh Tugas Report Text Tentang Artis atau Pelawak yang Lucu Abis Dan Digemari, Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Olga Syahputra, An Artist from Indonesia that Has A Very Noble Character
            Olga Syahputra is an artist who is very famous in Indonesia. He is not just an artist, but also a presenter, comedian, and a singer. His real name is Yoga Syahputra. In order his name is more popular, then it’s changed becoming Olga Syahputra. He was born in Jakarta on 8th February 1983. He is the first son in his family. He has some brothers and sisters. He has parents which name are Nur Rahman and Nurshida. From he was a child, he wanted to become an artist and appear on television.
            His desire to become an artist is very enormous. He always tried and worked hard in order he could reach his dream. Although from he was child, his life was very hard and his parents were not rich people, but he was never shy and kept trying. At the beginning, he joined a Studio or called Sanggar which name is Sanggar Ananda to practice acting or drama. When he wanted to learn in that Studio, he didn’t have any money. Olga was perforce to sell his refrigerator in order he could pay the learning in Sanggar Ananda. Beside he was active in Sanggar Ananda, he also often joined shooting although just got minor roles. His persistence give something good for himself. After he had ever played film in movie of Kawin Gantung and Si Yoyo, Olga then became a presenter of Ngidam in SCTV with Jeremy Thomas. He also became comedian in comedy event of Jangan Cium Gue and then Extravaganza ABG in 2005 his name started to be well known. His name was really famous in the beginning of 2007 after joining with two of his colleagues Indra Bekti and Indy Barends in the event of Ceriwis Trans TV. When he worked in the entertainment world, Olga also won appreciation as The Most Favorite Presenter of Variety Show Music Event and The Most Favorite Comedian in Panasonic Awards 2009 and Panasonic Global Awards 2010.
            Although Olga Syahputra has been rich and famous, he is still like as “Penjor” that we can see in Bali where “Penjor” keep looking down although it becomes higher and there are a lot of things of it. Same as like Olga, he is still humble and not arrogant although his career becomes better. He is very kind and noble person. He always helps the people who are troubled both from economic and social sides. Beside that, he also helps the other artists who are unknown artists and even not yet become artist, who can become famous and often appear on TV. Because his noble character, many people love and respect to him. Olga Syahputra often entertain and gives jokes to the people around him. He has made his parents proud of him.
            But, on 27th March 2015, he passed away in the hospital of Mount Elizabeth, Singapura, in the age of 32 years old. He passed away because Meningitis disease. Of course, this news makes many people sad. In his funeral procession, it was happened chaos because many people wanted to take him to the last resting place. After being buried, Olga’s grave was visited by many pilgrims.
            So, that’s about the life of an artist from Indonesia, Olga Syahputra who has very kind and very noble character. Although in the beginning he was born in poor family, he was never shy and kept worked hard so he could reach his dream to become a famous artist. And when he has been rich and famous, he is still humble, not arrogant, and often help the people who are troubled both from economic and social sides.


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